Tjocktarm - Wikizero
Mag-tarmkanalens anatomi och fysiologi - DiVA
Ileum. In the large intestine, the cecum is excreted, the colorectal and the rectum. The colon is in turn represented by an ascending colonic, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon. The function of the large intestine is to absorb water, form and remove stools - undigested food residues.
Appendix vermiformis (ostium Functions •Ingest food •Break down food •Move through digestive tract •Absorb digested food and water •Eliminates waste materials Intestinum crassum The large intestine is a 1.5-m-long portion of the alimentary canal that reabsorbs water and select vitamins and is responsible for the compaction of liquid waste into solid waste, as well as its temporary storage prior to defecation. Funktion • Ta upp näringsämnen – Finfördelning • Dela upp födans makromolekyler till absorberbara delar (enskilda aminosyror, monosackarider, FFA). Katalyseras av enzymer från munspottkörtlar, esofageala, pyloruskörtlar, pankreas. Gallsekretion från levern bidrar till att finfördela fett. – Absorption • Finfördelade födan absorberas. Description.
rectum The large intestine (intestinum crassum) follows the small intestine. In the large intestine, the cecum is excreted, the colorectal and the rectum. The colon is in turn represented by an ascending colonic, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon.
Sker i tarm
The large intestine extends from the end of the ileum to the anus. It is about 1.5 meters long, being one-fifth of the whole extent of the intestinal canal.
DiVA - Sökresultat - DiVA Portal
De tre paren af ped. maxill. hafva form och function af rorelseorganer, i det de tva Under hjertat , mellan detta och intestinum, stracker sig genom hela abdo- corpus maris, semel tantum reperti, pollicem et dimidium longum, \ 1. crassum. Nous avons la une nouvelle preuve du role singulier que Vienne joue dans la periode diume Tubo spermatifero unico a bulbo oeso- phagi juxta intestinum usque ad anum porrecto ibique foras minutissimia, globosis.
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4.8 Tunntarm (Intestinum tenue) 15. 4.8.1 Nedbrytning och absorption av kolhydrater 16.
The large intestine extends from the end of the ileum to the anus..
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– Absorption • Finfördelade födan absorberas. 5. tarmen (intestinum) som indelas i tunntarm (intestinum tenne) och tjocktarm (intestinum crassum). Hit hör också matsmältningskörtlarna, som producerar enzymerna och de andra vätskorna, som behövs för matsmältningen. Intestinum crassum (kalın bağırsak, kolon); ostium ileale’den anus’e kadar olan sindirim kanalı bölümüdür.